Arkansas Registered Agent Service
Arkansas registered agent service for $49 a year.
Lowest real price for a “real” Arkansas registered agent on the web. You can see our legal address above! Yes we’re not just a random website. We’re an actual Arkansas registered agent that helps people like you legally operate in Arkansas. Please give us a call if you have any questions about operating a business in Arkansas, and our Arkansas registered agent service.
If you’re doing an Arkansas incorporation, an Arkansas corporation, an Arkansas LLC, registering an out of state entity in Arkansas for a certificate of authority or certificate of registration, or you are just getting ready to incorporate in Arkansas, you’ll need an Arkansas registered agent. And if you choose us, you’ll get additional business support, like Arkansas Business Presence (website, email, phone) and more.
We have no middle of the year “forwarding” fees, no gimmicks, no hidden fees, no end of year fees, no cancellation fees.
What's Included With Our Arkansas Registered Agent Service – $49/Year
Online Account
Instant access to document scans, pro filing tips & much more
Instant Service
Our service begins immediately after you place an order
No Hidden Fees
No surprise costs. You'll always know exactly what you'll pay
Annual State Compliance
We send annual franchise tax reports reminders and will help to ensure your business stays in good standing
Documents Scanned Daily
We scan and upload all documents to your online account the same day we receive them
Instant Arkansas Registered Agent With No Hidden Fees. Compliance Tracking And Same-Day Document Scans.
We are a Arkansas registered agent service that helps out of state businesses register to do business in Arkansas, and helps keep local Arkansas businesses in good standing with the Arkansas Secretary of State by acting as your registered agent. We will send you timely reminders to file your Arkansas annual reports, and you can always track your due dates in your online registered agent account.
In Arkansas, the Secretary of State does not require that signatures on documents be originals unless the filing is mailed. We do not have to sign your forms as your registered agent. If you sign up for service you’ll receive all the necessary forms pre-populated with our Arkansas registered agent information on them to make your filings with the Arkansas Corporation Commission immediately. You will have what you need, AND understand what to do with it, in less than 10 minutes.
With our Arkansas Registered Agent Service:
You’ll also receive timely reminders to file your annual report, have a login into our database to see any documents we receive on your behalf, and get an email at the end of your service asking you if you’d like to renew. All service of process and important documents are uploaded into your online account immediately in full scan. It’s that simple.
Foreign Arkansas corporations and LLCs have a $270 state filing fee online or $300 if on paper, and require an Arkansas registered agent.
When filing a certificate of authority as a foreign LLC or foreign corporation in Arkansas, you will need a certificate of existence or certified copy of amendments from your home state. Here is a list of home state fees for a certificate of existence from some of the common States that people are from:
- Oklahoma: $20
- Missouri: $10
- Tennessee: $20
Arkansas LLCs and Arkansas corporations cost $45 to file online or $50 on paper. All domestic Arkansas entities must maintain an Arkansas registered agent.
You can make these filings for domestic corporations and LLCs and foreign LLCs online, in person or by mailing the forms and a check payment to the Arkansas Business and Commercial Services division at the address listed above. Upon signing up for Arkansas registered agent service, you’ll see all the necessary forms you need to make your filing, pre-populated with our Arkansas registered agent information, in your online account.
We also have some valuable Arkansas Tax info for you as well.
Once registered to do business in Arkansas, domestic and foreign LLC’s and corporations you’ll have an annual report and franchise tax return due each year. These are due May 1st each year.
The annual report and franchise tax return can be filed online and costs $150 for for LLCs. Corporations can cost alot more using the 3% of value rule on top of the $150 filing fee. The online process will calculate the amount for corporations.
Online filings are processed within 24 business hours. Normal filings are processed by the state within 24-48 business hours after they receive them.
We would love to have your business, and it actually means something to us. We’re not a huge company, but we have the resources in place to make sure we stay at the top of our game. You can get the President on the phone at any time, and our paralegals should be able to answer any question you might have about Arkansas registered agent service and incorporating in Arkansas. Every company in Arkansas is required to maintain an Arkansas registered agent and Arkansas registered office. We can accomplish this for you, and you won’t have a bunch of red tape and hidden fees with us. We just need your contact information so we know how to forward anything to you, and how to get a hold of you, when we need to. Thank you for your time and the opportunity to serve you.
Instant Arkansas Registered Agent With No Hidden Fees. Compliance Tracking And Same-Day Document Scans.
Our Guarantee
- Honest Price
- No Cancellation Fees
- Satisfaction Guaranteed

- No Upsells
- No Hidden Fees
- No “Introductory Prices”